In the US, Insurance firms are forced by law to consider an eminent discount to anyone who resorts to security equipment, from surveillance, to burglar and fire detection, ranging between 5 % and 20 % on the yearly policy. Not in Lebanon. Could it be because of ignorance, or simply because of government disinterest in public safety?
...So you might think the return on investment when it comes to security equipment in Lebanon is null. Wrong, at least for the commerical sector.
There are synergies between security applications and other business processes which are crucial for a company‘s value, based on a study by Knights and Pretty. After looking into companies that previously faced major security issues. The findings were striking.
Within a year, those that had taken adequate security measures could increase their company's value by an average of 30%. On the other hand, the company value sank by an average of 20% for the firms that had not invested in proper secuirty measures.
At the end of the day, a company's proper operations cannot be altered by security issues. Your customer does not have to bear with you your shortcomings in security investment, and most likely, he will not.